搜索 Ângelo

  • 人是什么?只有人类才能在巧妙衔接的黑色喜剧情节中展现出六张脸、六个阶段,绝望的人物在现代大都市里不由自主地相遇,寻找生存的手段,寻找某种爱。失业的毕业生成了掘墓人,悲伤的寡妇成了修女,牧师赌博,黑帮统治着法庭。只有孤独的孩子才能在希望长存的时候找到爱。
  • This is a low-grade poliziottesco, the second I've watched from former cinematographer Massi – and a much inferior product to the character-driven EMERGENCY SQUAD (1974). In fact, as the title itself suggests, the film is virtually a non-s…
  • When God created man, he sent a group of angels known as 'the watchers' to observer mankind, however the watchers mated with the daughters of man against Gods wishes. This resulted in the nephilim being created who's only goal is to rule. Taught in forbidden arts, the nephilim rose quickly to power and continue to live…
  • The most vicious serial killer of the 21st-century manipulates LA Detective's Jack Donaldson and Steve Sabbia as they become part of his twisted plan. Seeking revenge against the world's ignorance of his self proclaimed filmmaking brilliance, his gruesome crimes are broadcast live on the Internet creating mass hysteria…
  • 萨曼莎·哈里斯和三个朋友前往萨德岭乡下勘查一栋从素味平生的家人继承来的房子。刚抵达不久,萨曼莎脑中就开始出现野蛮残忍的画面和难以形容的邪恶幻觉。那股邪恶力量逐渐侵袭接近萨曼莎,使她陷入白日噩梦。而她前世的恶魔也逐渐显露出来..
  • Women wait anxiously at a minehead in Capodarso, Sicily. Their men are underground. The mine is closing and the miners refuse to come up unless the owner relents. After three days, they give up in despair... In a bar in town, Ciccio is recruiting workers for jobs in France. He can get people over the border - for L20,0…
  • 伯特·雷诺兹饰演脾气火爆的男子,酒醉醒来发现他自己被控谋杀一名恶名昭彰的歹徒,而他无法说明行踪证明自己的清白。雅痞型的女律师特里萨·拉塞尔接下了这个案子为他辩护,而一心想要把疑犯定罪的警官内德·贝蒂则扬言一定要打赢这场官司,控辩双方少不免在法庭上有连场唇枪舌剑,但结果他们却联合起来设局引出真正的凶手。本片荣获文化部199…
  • 警察突然進門臨檢,中斷了巴爾門多薩一家歡慶孩子的生日派對。馬德里郊區的一座小鎮,地方政府和居民的關係日益緊張,胼手胝足打造的家園,卻因為土地開發被轉賣給大資本家。無所事事的午後,少年們相聚