- 故事发生于东京,在全球最大体育盛事WSG即将召开之际,知名企业的高官却接连在赞助商酒会现场遭到绑架,而自新名古屋站至东京的最高时速1000km的真空超导磁悬浮列车也被卷入其中,一场牵动国际目光的重大案件就此展开。
- About a week after the Woods family move in to Xaos House, their daughter Ellie goes missing during a power cut. Ellie's mother Keira investigates and finds that the walls have strange symbols engraved into them. After a number of terrifying supernatural experiences she comes to the conclusion that the house took E…
- 故事发生于东京,在全球最大体育盛事WSG即将召开之际,知名企业的高官却接连在赞助商酒会现场遭到绑架,而自新名古屋站至东京的最高时速1000km的真空超导磁悬浮列车也被卷入其中,一场牵动国际目光的重大案件就此展开。