搜索 卡洛斯·阿鲁萨

  •   由尊荣执导并参予演出,根据真人真事改编,此场战争更是美国史上的一大事迹。故事讲述1836年,185名英勇的美军及德萨斯州士,团结一致,奋然抵抗为数7000人的墨西哥军队,毫不退缩,为国捐躯、为自由战。全片摄于实战场地几公里外的洲。《锦秀山河烈士血》为大家带来视觉上的震撼,同时亦为此光辉的历史事迹、英勇的战士们致以欢呼赞颂。荣…
  • Eryka travels to Spain from the African Sahrawi refugee camps where she has been shooting a documentary. On arriving she discovers that her boyfriend, Marc, has vanished hang-gliding over the ocean. She meets David, her boyfriend's roommate and archaeologist co-worker. As they search the coastal area a taboo but intens…