搜索 吕毕莎·约万诺维奇

  • The title, translated to english, is "The march of Drina". This Yugoslav film is most notable for it's topic, handling of the same and circumstances.The film was made during the communist era of Yugoslavia. Unlike 99% of war movies made during that time, this one doesn't deal with WW2 and communist revolution…
  • 《核战新娘》是一部关于世界未来的幻想片,尽管剧情荒诞,却寓意深远。影片由意大利著名电影编剧柴伐蒂尼(《擦鞋童》《偷自行车的人》)创作,也是他唯一写过的一本超现实剧作,影片原名〈战争〉,在北美改名为《核战新娘》。Director Veljko Bulajic is one of Yugoslavia's best known names (The Battle of Ner…
  • Instead of going to Belgrade, a boy called Mita joins illegal movement. Germans, who occupied Belgrade in the meantime, start to hunt down communists. Many of them are killed, but Mita succeeds to get to the freed land together with a girl who was going to Belgrade with him.
  • 故事发生在一座名为克拉古耶瓦兹的小镇中,该镇的生活在德国军队到来之前非常幸福。但德国军队的到来改变了一切,许多男人离家去参加游击队,或因拒绝与德军合作而失去工作。这使得孩子们被迫承担家庭的重担,他们必须找出各种方法来维持生计。比利亚克的父亲留下一封信,加入了游击队,因此照顾母亲和妹妹的责任落在了比利亚克的肩上。刚开始,…
  • 二战后南斯拉夫拍摄的第一部电影。Slavica, Marin and the group of cooperatives are hiding the newly built fishing-ship from the Italian occupier. They get arrested, but the Partisans rescue them and they participate in series of actions. Slavica dies…