廣東打仔 (1973)The Boxer from KwongtungAlias: The Boxer From Kwong TungAlias: Boxer from KwangtungAlias: 命一條地區: 台灣片種: 功夫/武術導演王洪彰動作設計杜文波監製黃卓漢=====================演員趙俊陳少龍趙復芬高飛宋金來江洋金剛趙強吳國良曾明昌康莊翁小虎許鐵軍王國輝陳明來夏侯俊何維雄王凱潘章明孔子羽
Bruce Li plays a young kung fu expert (and waiter) who is trying to live peacefully in San Francisco with his marital arts-challenged friend. But they run afoul of some American thugs, and the fight is on...right!