搜索 移民

  • 本片由AdibMardini,一名身在加拿大的阿拉伯难民,讲述他如何为了逃离对同性恋者的迫害,通过和阿拉伯地区其他许许多多的LGBTQ成员一起把名为Migrant Mixtape求救信寄往加拿大的蒙特利尔黎巴嫩同志保护组织而获救的故事。AdibMardini, an Arab refugee in Canada, recounts the process of how he was abl…
  • Documentary telling the remarkable story of Donald Trump's family history, an extraordinary immigration success story. What can we learn about the next President of the United States from his background?
  • “关山难越,谁悲失路之人?萍水相逢,尽是他乡之客。”曾有人说﹕「有海水的地方,就有华人。」华人移居海外,历史悠久,每个朝代出於不同的背景,中国人或为经商,或为谋生,或为逃难,一批又一批地选择离乡别井或被逼漂泊异地。他们的血泪史与中国的历史紧紧相扣。海外华人不是我们的陌路人,从他们身上,我们看到自己先辈的影子,看到中华民…
  • 承接第一季的故事,老王意外收获了一大笔财富,雄心勃勃的他准备与好兄弟Bruce在海外共同创业,从头再来。老王与Bruce建立了王氏创投公司,他们的办公室就设立在原有House的地下室,于是一系列令人啼笑皆非,但又积极向上的创业故事展开了。华人在海外最初的标志性印象就是中国美食和中国功夫。老王和Bruce在公司助理Jessica和Queeni…
  • This short documentary is included in the 2006 Warner Home Video DVD release The Warner Bros. Pictures Tough Guys Collection
  • There's no place like home...because it doesn't exist. After living in New Zealand as an immigrant for over 20 years, a young filmmaker takes a journey back to Iran after a 17-year absence to find out whether or not she would still be considered an outsider even in what is termed her 'homeland'.
  • 剧情片冒险
  • 狮门电影公司(Lionsgate Films)将和印度的克斯特动画公司(Crest Animation)联手,拍摄3D动画片《北极移民》(Norm of the North)。本片将使用立体3D拍摄,这项技术在《阿凡达》中被采用过。本片由斯蒂文·奥迪尔(Steven Altiere)和丹尼尔·奥迪尔(Daniel Altiere)编写剧本,故事集中于一头北极熊和三只旅鼠身上。当他们家乡的冰开…