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  •   Married carnival performers are subjected to the abuses of their employer in this silent film gem that has not received as much attention as it deserves. When the boss' unwanted advances on the wife are refused, he taunts a lion until it…
  • 首映:1956.2.11(台湾) 1656.3.2(菲律宾) 1956.10.20(新加坡)出品:闽声 发行:光艺故事简介:隋末,风尘侠女红拂邂逅李靖,二人同有救世之心,结为夫妻后认识了志同道合的虬髯客,三人一起投奔李世民,李靖出征中原时失去音信,红拂相思成病。李靖凯旋归来,却不贪荣禄,与红拂隐居而走。
  • Married carnival performers are subjected to the abuses of their employer in this silent film gem that has not received as much attention as it deserves. When the boss' unwanted advances on the wife are refused, he taunts a lion until it nearly kills her. But the other performers assist in a unique plot for revenge. Ja…
  • 故事取材自國語片《拜金的人》(1952)。羅氏兩姊妹花隨破產的父親自南洋至港謀生活,在銀行被一對窮困音樂家誤認作經理之女。兩姊妹為嫁豪門,將計就計;音樂家潦倒卻扮富家子,大興追求攻勢。周圍借錢買單,笑料頻生,終在訂親環節雙雙被識穿;後皆醒悟:要踏實肯幹,不慕虛榮。為迎合海外市場的需求,歌曲在此片中亦大成風景。訓導意味寓於十…
  • 又名:卞胭脂首映:1957.1.8(菲律宾) 1957.5.1(台湾) 1958.8.8(新加坡)出品:闽声 发行:光艺 监制:何颂业、吴源祥 原著:聊斋志异之胭脂故事简介:卞胭脂(江帆)心仪余秋隼(白云),邻居王氏戏言为媒,胭脂单相思得了病,王氏的姘夫徐介知情,冒充余秋隼潜入胭脂闺房,胭脂以玉佩为信给徐介。王氏拿到玉佩,转交给旧好毛大,毛大对胭…
  • Hypnosis display is an original live sound and 16mm film collaboration between experimental vocalist and musician Grouper and filmmaker Paul Clipson.