搜索 韓兌一

  • 外号“快飞机”的李相哲老人曾因为偷窃进过监狱,编号38。这次出狱不久,又被抓了进来。这一次的刑期为十年。他因为慢性鼻窦炎恶化,陷入了绝望。在移监青松看守所的路上,在议政部教导所时曾见过李相哲的君山教导所所长认出了他,并善待他。所长为他提供了治疗,并为他办了花甲寿宴,即便如此,李相哲仍是对可怕的青松看守所充满了畏惧。结果,…
  • Hwa-jung, a prostitute, arrives in Miaree Texas District. She meets Cheol-min, a man for hire, and begins to fall for him. One day, she is diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor and has little time to live. She decides to give up her love to a co-worker and prepares to leave for Hong Kong as a show girl for the mob. Ch…