- A listless grand-daughter, Chance Sinclair , is sentenced to live with her draconian grand-father, August after a violent incident at school and begins to question the source of her families immense wealth and power. When Chance's scheming Mom, June , hires a troubled chef, Sydney , to poison August, the family's monst…
- 由《我们这一天》“Kevin” Justin Hartley主演和参与开发的CBS剧情剧项目<The Never Game>于日前获得正式预订,将于2023-2024播出季登场;这是CBS为下个播出季准备的第一部新剧。 本剧在今年三月开始进行开发,七月获得试映集预订,如今经过约一年的事件最终取得了好消息。作为自己完结“Kevin”后的第一个角色,Justin将出…