- After the sudden death of his wife and a fractured relationship with his two daughters, John Moore along with his best friend Charlie Wylde, decide to ride their motorcycles from Long Island, New York to the West coast. In this modern day western, they are reminded of the beauty this country has to offer, encounter man…
- 女主角普莱是一个怀揣着空姐梦的点心店女孩,跟着奶奶守着泰式传统点心店生活,几乎所有身边的亲朋好友们都不相信她的空姐梦会成真,但她从未放弃自己的梦想。男主帕坤是富家大少,妈妈经营着大酒店,而他本人更是一表人才,能力出众。帕坤刚从国外留学归来准备要和国外结识的女朋友魅儿结婚,由于钟爱普莱奶奶做的泰式点心,阴差阳错中跟普莱结…