- “加贺美京子”是活跃在影视界的双胞胎姐妹花大野红叶(松岛菜菜子 饰)和大野枫(松岛菜菜子 饰)作为编剧所共用的笔名,姐姐红叶内向沉稳,善写对白,妹妹枫外向干练,精于构思,多年来姐妹俩互帮互助,合作无间,最新根据古畑任三郎(田村正和 饰)取材的剧集《鬼警部古驱三四郎》也大受好评。可是红叶疲惫之极,打算和妹妹分道扬镳,撰写自…
- An adult drama targeted toward the audience that recently made Paramount & Fifth Season’s 80 for Brady a hit, Lost & Found in Cleveland is billed as a new American fable about the post-Industrial American Dream in the Industrial Mi…
- Welcome to Okawari restaurant, where four guests take a seat at a physical table in an izakaya, the Japanese equivalent of a pub, for a virtual dinner. Choose what you like from the menu and your dishes appear on the conveyor belt. But even before you can start enjoying your meal, you’re being directed to make your nex…