- 故事背景为二十世纪八十年代初的美国硅谷,其时个人电脑正处于萌芽阶段,IBM公司刚刚推出旗下第一款主打产品并垄断市场。故事主人公为乔·麦克米伦(李·佩斯 饰),一个富有远见且极具野心和胆识的IBM前高官,离开老东家后他神秘失踪一年,现任职于“卡迪夫电子公司”。乔一心想要设计出革命性科技产品,与老东家抗衡,他召集了高登·科拉克(…
- The story is about Donald McGlone, the boy with chocolate fingers (his fingers are made of chocolate). Because he is different, Donald has no friends and other children shun him. He grows up isolated and alone. Later he keeps a low profile working as an elevator operator, wearing gloves to conceal his secret. One day M…
- When Gerald Carmody is left at a seaside old-folks' hotel while his family goes skiing, he feels very grumpy and abandoned and is determined to have a rotten time. But things turn around when he meets the charming Katherine Palmer. But she's hiding something from Gerald, and their December romance may have to end soone…