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  • 动作片冒险
    故事发生在十七世纪中叶的荷兰。德鲁伊特(弗兰克·拉莫斯 Frank Lammers 饰)继承了马尔滕(鲁特格尔·哈尔 Rutger Hauer 饰)的位置成为了新一任的海军上将,他用接二连三的胜利证明了自己的智慧和实力,赢得了属下们的信赖与尊重。共和党官员约翰(巴里·阿茨玛 Barry Atsma 饰)和奥兰治党的亲王威廉三世(埃伯特·杨·韦伯 Egbert …
  • 喜剧片
    An ex-soldier turned deliveryman is dragged into a local kingpin's bumbling gang to pull off a daring heist in an infamous South African township.
  • "During the fin de siécle of the 20th century, a time of decadence and bad taste, a band was founded. They were the harbingers of the end of music history and tolled the bell for the last remaining bit of decency in mankind. They are …
  • Three comedians and a weird guy named Cope embark on a raucous weekend journey to Oppikoppi, South Africa's biggest rock festival. The guys slip out of the city for a few dusty and increasingly absurd days with hopes of mass debauchery, drugs, rampant sex, true love and conquering the comedy stages, but they get a bit …
  • Pacific Overtures is a musical with music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim, a libretto by John Weidman, and additional material by Hugh Wheeler. The musical is set in 1853 Japan and follows the difficult Westernization of Japan, through the lives of two friends caught in the change. The title of the work is ironic, noddi…
  • 爱情片生活
    卡洛琳(莫妮卡·博洛克 Monica Broeke 饰)、朱利安(Inge Maria Granzow 饰)和伊莲娜(艾曼纽·贝阿 Emmanuelle Béart 饰)是感情十分要好的朋友,年轻而富有活力的她们向往刺激而又富有激情的生活,她们驾驶着游艇飞驰在波涛汹涌的大海之中,谁知道遭遇了暴风雨,游艇被打翻,三人生死未卜。幸运的是,一个陌生的男孩挽救了三人的性命,并…
  • 战争片冒险
  • 1940年9月,德、意、日三国成立同盟。山本五十六被任命为日本联合舰队总司令,并不得不“违背自己的意愿”,接受命令对美、英、荷等国开战。1941后12月8日零时,山本五十六亲自下达了“1280”密码命令,并亲自率领部队偷袭美国珍珠港,从而对美军太平洋舰队造成重创,大胜而归。随后山本五十六建议与美国讲和,但意见未被采纳。在指挥中途岛战役…