- A private investigator is forced into a dangerous alliance with a killer. They will try to uncover a quiet town's grisly criminal underbelly and clear the name of her mentor, who is implicated in the crimes.
- 人类正面临最可怕的灾难——影之迷宫。戴基尔·阿曼德是迷宫里最后的6名幸存者之一。 他们试图挑战迷宫的最后关卡,然而却以失败告终,世界最终走向灭亡。 当以为一切已经结束的那刻,戴基尔却回到了13年前的过去?! 当时的戴基尔正要进入帝国最强的魔法学院—— 赫布里温学院就读,并且与在迷宫中逝去的珍贵伙伴们重逢。 为了拯救他心爱的人们…
- Phryne Fisher sashays through the back lanes and jazz clubs of late 1920's Melbourne fighting injustice with her pearl handled pistol and her dagger sharp wit.