- Tina adores the character of Mae nak and she is pregnant . Her husband, Mark who works in movie industry needs more money to make the production going on. His old friend, Chutimon help him with more money. One day Tina is attacked by some man who rapes her and kills the baby in her stomach. No one knows whose behind th…
- 专注各种大案要案的警视厅刑事部搜查一课,这一次迎来了一名非同寻常的新人藤堂比奈子(波瑠 饰)。藤堂具有过目不忘的惊人记忆力,历年所发生过的各种恶性案件她都熟稔非常,甚至总能在关键时刻从脑中的资料库里提取有效信息协助破案。和她搭档的东海林泰久(横山裕 饰)也同样是个不走寻常路的刑警,为了破案他不惜使用非法手段,而当年一段黑…