- 高雄县的北边,楠梓仙溪的上游,有一条清澈的达卡努瓦溪,Kanakanavu族人守护着她,度过了数百年的岁月。达卡努瓦溪慷慨而贴心,溪里有鱼丶有虾丶有螃蟹,还可以洗去亲人离开後的悲伤。 莫拉克台风改变了这一切,土石流怒吼着冲进了Kanakanavu的部落,冲毁了道路和农田。部分族人被迫仓皇下山避难,但仍放不下山上的土地和溪流。 2010…
- Set in between two high schools, the students and teachers always fight and compete. They couldn't build the friendship among each other, so the teachers gather the students to play music. It's like a miracle when music can heal the conflict of the two high schools, and they finally endorse the friendship.