搜索 Albon

  • Hollywood portrayed them as the most glamorous outlaws in American history, but the reality of life on the run for Bonnie and Clyde was one of violence, hardship and danger.With unprecedented access to gang members' memoirs, family archives and recently released police records, Timewatch takes an epic road trip through…
  • A destitute man wanders the streets of Cap Haïtien, dreaming about his imaginary kingdom. He thinks he’s King Christophe, the New World’s first ruler, a former slave who went on to liberate Haiti in 1804. Chased out of the city, King Chac…
  • 一個英國海濱小鎮,三位放浪形骸的少年。他們無法接受這個村鎮裡各種自以為是的道德標準,於是,他們決定將不滿化為行動,以身衝撞道德界線!本片在戛纳放映時,觸怒許多觀眾與影評人離座抗議。更有一位影評人形容,這部片的犯罪場景讓《發條橘子》看起來就像小甜甜音樂錄影帶般的可口,是2005戛纳影展在性與暴力尺度上最具爭議的一部影片。
  • 《永恒的神保佑》(Jo Bole So Nihaal )是一部描述锡克教徒的印地语影片,片名是锡克教徒号召战争和祈祷时所说的第一句话。该影片讲的是一名锡克教警察被一名罪犯欺骗,于是他展开对罪犯的全球追捕。片中一些镜头令一些锡克教徒不满:演员不脱鞋、不蒙头就走进锡克教寺庙,甚至还有裸体女人追锡克教徒的场面。这些对锡克教徒而言,都是大不敬。…