Early morning in the oat fields of Carranco, Ramón runs into the dead body of his secret teenage love Adela. After he covers her naked body with his shirt, the gossip in town is that Ramón's girlfriend is been found murdered. Meanwhile, th…
简 介: Lucas 是位年迈的老人,已在医院住了40天了,他妹妹 Maria 一直陪伴在他左右。他神志有些恍惚,总是沉浸在过去,幻想着自己还年轻的时候。而当这对兄妹从医院回到他们美丽的海边小屋时,他们发现一位陌生人也发现了这处地方的美丽,莽撞地闯入了进来 —— Marcos 是位年轻的风琴手,为了躲避冷漠的家而来到这儿,Lucas 热…