- Even today, in order to create a sculpture in bronze, it is necessary to take the same steps taken in the fifth century BC for the Riace bronzes. These steps are not taught in school, but are passed on in the ancient oral tradition and through apprenticeships from artisans. This documentary is a way to observe and feel…
- Sergeant Maaka and Officers Minogue and O'Leary are members of the Wellington, New Zealand, police. Their job is to investigate paranormal phenomena.
- Asia's Next Top Model(又名《亚洲名模生死斗》)是延续了原来的美国热门电视真人秀America's Next Top Model(又名《全美超模大赛》),一档时尚为主题的在世界各地播放已超过100个国家的电视真人秀。[1]Asia's Next Top Model系列给亚洲年轻女孩一个机会愿望来证明她们能在高应力、高风险的压力下成为世界超模。来自整个亚洲不同背景的选手们…
- 影片聲明不是影射愈貪腐愈紅的總統貝盧斯科尼,實情是此地無銀,將國家混帳重棍毆下去。話說某市選市長,一個廉潔的候選人冒出頭,賄情告急,滿身酒色財氣的大富商Cetto被推舉出來救火。他用炸彈宣佈參選,記招公開的政綱是窮人唔使理,選我有錢派。官商「民」大勾結上電視辯論,對手被隱形,Cetto只需廢o翕便贏得掌聲。一輪賄選運動之後,支持…