- The gorgeous Alexandra Hay, who sadly died only 49 years old, convincingly plays a nymphet terrorising the warders and inmates of a peculiarly liberal prison. It's an inviting set up and there could be few more enticing exploitation subjects, and until it rather runs out of steam, this movie is quite fun. Hay, who show…
- A Budapest high school in the beginning of the 1960s. Dinis suffers the torments of adolescence. His father had to leave Hungary after the uprise in 1956, and since then Dini's mother has had to take care of her two sons on her own. A friend of Dinis' father, Bodor, is released from prison and moves in with them. Dinis…
- 由萨尔瓦多·西姆(SALVADOR SIMÓ)联合编剧并执导的西班牙、法国合拍动画电影《布努埃尔在神龟迷宫中》则获得了特别评委会奖。这部电影捕捉了超现实主义电影大师布努埃尔和他的朋友兼资助人拉蒙的生活片断,他们在着手制作一部令人出乎意料且野心勃勃的关于西班牙拉斯维德地区的纪录片。
- 經過七個特異點的戰鬥,人理延續保障機構‧迦勒底終於來到了聖杯探索的最終地點——冠位時間神殿所羅門。要奪回人類的未來,必先要打倒所有事情的元兇‧魔術王所羅門。在迎來最終決戰之前,各人都有自己的安排。 羅馬尼.阿基曼思考自己將要作出的選擇、瑪修則因自己尚餘不多的日子,心裡充滿千愁萬緒。而藤丸則為了最後戰役,穿上新的禮裝。 賭…