搜索 Andor

  • This film is the first Hungarian sound film. a very rare gem of east european cinema.Béla Gaál:Director. He read law in Budapest, then in 1913 he completed the course on acting of the National Association for Acting. In 1914 he published a…
  • 皮特是一家高科技婚介公司的经理,公司的名字叫:“爱情呼救”。最近他正被一个客户搞的焦头烂额。这个人叫托米,是一个富有的暴发户。他痴恋着维罗尼卡,一个可爱的幼稚园老师。为了捕获她的芳心,皮特的计划是租下一座城堡并捏造出一个虚幻的家庭。为的就是给他们创造出一个理想的“伊甸园”。Single father Peter is the head of…
  • 这是曾作为《阳光情人》的副导演的Sándor Simó第5部长片作品,是一部商业动作惊悚片,这位导演的作品不多,20多年来只拍过8部影片,其中70年代执导的二战题材影片《我父亲的快乐年代》曾获柏林电影节金熊奖提名(获得费比西奖和OCIC奖,90年代的《每个星期天》曾获匈牙利电影节最佳女演员等奖项。作为制片人监制过《莫斯科广场》《如此接近爱》…
  • The focus with this film is purely on the sex scenes, and Deodato has managed to create a thriller that is surprisingly erotic, as he makes great use of his actress' assets! The film focuses on three sisters (intriguing enough on its own), who have to call the police when the body of a pimp named Yuri is found in their…
  • 影片改编自流亡海外的斯洛伐克作家、教师、艺术家和出版商约瑟夫·齐格尔-赫龙斯基(Jozef Cíger-Hronský;1896年2月23日~†1960年7月13日)发表于1932年的经典儿童文学作品。中世纪。14岁的托马什Tomáš(布拉尼奥·霍利切克饰)生长在美丽大自然的怀抱中,他知道所有的山林秘密,也能了解动物和鸟类的语言并与它们沟通。巴拉多拉城堡附近常…
  • 一部非常具有匈牙利特点的电影,无论是人物的服装,周围的环境还是影片要表达的主旨上都是典型的匈牙利风格。英国电影评论家David Robinson曾经断言这部影片在2000年以前从未在匈牙利以外的任何国家被广泛接受过,因为很多匈牙利人相信这部影片太过本土化而并不能得到其他国家人们的理解和认同。然而电影是超越国界的语言,我们会被其中任何一点…
  • his documentary directed by the late great Russ Meyer basically shows how he thinks, especially about the actress with the boobs of his dreams, Pandora Peaks.
  • Judith Fontaine (Regina Carrol) is looking for her sister Joanie, who has disappeared into the hippie community of Venice, California. It turns out Joanie has become the victim of Groton (Lon Chaney Jr.), an axe-wielding homicidal maniac working for Dr. Durray (J. Carrol Naish), who is really the last of the Frankenste…