搜索 Andrzej

  • Oliver (Paul Szajda),一个年轻的波兰裔美国钢琴家,再也忍受不了母亲和精明的经纪人带来的压力,决定去波兰参加巡演。将行之际,他的妻子竟然突然离他而去。在压力与打击下,他在演奏会上突然离席,冲出了音乐厅。而这一时冲动,却使他失去了爱、人们的欣赏和一片光明的职业前景,与此同时,也欠下了一笔巨债。在酒吧,他遇到了一个精通赌马的…
  • 一張有神奇魔力的紅椅子,找到了菲力、托絲卡和古奇當自己的主人,只要他們做在椅子上,任何願望都可以實現。在他們尋找父母的旅途上,面臨了許多危險,幸虧有紅椅的魔力一一化解,最後他們是否能找到父母一家團聚呢?劇情超乎觀眾預期,以流暢的數位動畫詮釋出狂野的想像力,營造出輕鬆、活潑的奇想魔幻世界。   Once upon a time, th…
  • 1939年9月, 安德鲁Bukowian伴随着残存的波兰军队, 从扎科帕内来到匈牙利边境部队就地解散. 不久,波兰军官组织开展了抵抗运动的任务,安德鲁多次来往布达佩斯和扎科帕内之间..
  • Set in 1952, film tells the story of young musicians playing - then forbidden - jazz music in basements and attics around Poland. The group hires itself to social parties, youth dances, etc, each time waiting for the management to disappear in order to shift gears to hot music. The crowd either loves it or does not kno…
  • Set in 1960s, in a small town in Poland. After destruction of an old mill an impersonated devil appears in its place. Local leader and priest try differeny ways to make him go away.
  • In 1961, Stanislaw Rozewicz created the novella film "Birth Certificate" in cooperation with his brother, Taduesz Rozewicz as screenwriter. Such brother tandems are rare in the history of film but aside from family ties, Stanislaw (born in 1924) and Taduesz (born in 1921) were mutually bound by their love for…
  • An essay by Rafal Marszalek:Pills for Aurelia - Who needs a doctor?The average cinemagoer knows little about the filmmaker Stanislaw Lenartowicz. Born in 1921, he served in the Polish Home Army during World War II in the Vilnius District where he was arrested and sent to a Soviet forced-labour camp. After the war he st…
  • Husband-and-wife Polish filmmakers Ewa Petelska and Czeslaw Petelski co-helmed this gritty but long-forgotten war epic, which recreates as a docudrama the March 1945 Battle of Kolberg in World War II. The drama at hand witnesses Polish soldiers struggling to gain control over the Kolobrzeg Fortress; Petelska and Petels…
  • 是讲几个年轻人晚上在郊外出了车祸,要等到天亮才有救援.几个人于是围着篝火聊天,每个人要讲一个鬼故事.大概是讲了四个鬼故事(都是用情景表现的),都挺嘇人的,其中影像最深的是有个哑巴女孩被死了的父亲的鬼魂纠缠,最后终于和相爱的男孩私奔了.两人坐在树下,男孩发现女孩的项链(还是丝带.不记得了)很特别,忍不住随手取下来看,结果女孩含泪望着他,…