搜索 Anson

  • 《十二宫杀手》剧情简介:旧金山附近出现了一个很猖狂的杀手,他四处杀人,警方介入调查。但经历了一系列事件之后,这个杀手可能会逍遥法外……   本片基于真实事件改编,但本片比较特殊,本片是在凶手犯案最猖狂的时期拍的,虽然凶手在现实当中没有被抓到,也无人知道他的真实身份,但导演还是在电影中给他虚构了一个身份。本片导演曾说过该片…
  • A censorship groupie harasses a woman from the censorship board of Singapore in the supermarket, following her out to the car park where he begins a song and dance routine about censorship with a cast of hundreds.This short was made to protest about the cuts made to the director's first film and ironically this movie w…
  • A world-famous boys’ choir goes on a tour. In the hands of their severe conductor they are an obedient musical instrument. But left alone without supervision, they are just playful children. Once in Seoul the conductor is accidentally trap…
  • 两个在征服君士坦丁堡期间战斗的奥斯曼帝国禁卫军士兵的故事,他们因犯了一个错误而被送往 21世纪的伊斯坦布尔。
  • 科幻片惊悚
    某座住宅区,负责公寓内各项维修事务的菲恩(Matt O'Leary 饰)和约瑟(George Finn 饰)是一对穷的叮当响的好基友。某天菲恩的女友凯莉(Danielle Panabaker 饰)来到他们的住处,当得知住在隔壁的贝先生已经很长时间没走出房门时,凯莉自告奋勇上门查看,结果却一脸错愕地回到二人面前。原来贝先生早已不见踪影,房间内一面墙贴满了以三个人为…
  • 《南极洲:冰上的一年》由曾为BBC制作《冰冻星球》(Frozen Planet)的摄影师安东尼·鲍威尔,花费十余年时间拍摄完成。影片独辟蹊径,出现在镜头前的并非科研人员,而是那些维持科考站每日运作的普通人。通过忠实和细心的纪录,描绘出南极洲壮阔的景观,以及冰原上人们的生活。展示出前所未见的自然和人文风貌。影片将于11月28日北美上映。
  • A famous American filmmaker travels to the Yucatán to scout locations for his last movie. The Mayan Apocalypse intercedes.
  • "Tutok" is a dramatic thriller that revolves around the lives of two newsmen, one is an ambitious reporter (portrayed by award winnning actor Emilio Garcia) while the other is a cameraman (played by actor turned producer Allen Dizon).Together, the two men seek instant fame by attempting to cover a story invol…
  • TV special, hosted by Jack Lemmon, which ran 90 minutes long and aired on February 24, 1973. In a Wizard of Oz-like spoof, Jack is knocked out by a broom in black and white and when he wakes up he finds himself in 'Arlenland' and with everything in color. He then begins a journey to find Harold Arlen and along the way …