- Sobre las nubes (About the Clouds), the portrait of a city and a contemporary saga of a middle class viewed through its relationship with work, depicts the everyday lives of four people with an artistry that’s abundant yet sober, generous yet precise. The dramatisation, stripped of any effects, is entirely devoted to t…
- 这部关于“民权运动之母”罗莎·帕克斯的纪录片根据珍妮·西奥哈里斯的畅销传记改编,全面细致地讲述了帕克斯作为活动家的一生。影片记录了她在蒙哥马利公交车抵制运动中所扮演的角色,在底特律与科尼尔斯议员一起从政,以及她一路走来的许多事业,如为非裔美国人得到投票权和赔偿而发声,她无畏、激进地与不公抗争,直到她于2005年去世。