- 马库斯•沃宁是米其林二星级大厨,正处于厨艺生涯巅峰时期的他,创造出的最有名的菜肴都离不开多年积累的经验和不倦的训练。但现在他遇到了挑战,挑战者来自一个意想不到的领域。马克•米奥多尼克是材料科学家,应该说对塑料的了解远胜餐点。马克能仅用自己的科学知识就战胜这名顶尖大厨吗?在他们烹饪一系列菜肴的过程中,马克证明了我们喜爱的…
- Heidi Klum and Tim Gunn are back at it in this global fashion competition series, where established designers from around the world compete to be the next great fashion brand. Each week, winning looks will be available to buy on Amazon in the Making the Cut store, and the last designer standing will receive one million…