- 垂暮貴婦一覺醒來,決定今日是自己在地球最後一天。告別前決定斷捨離,將古老大宅內的心愛之物開倉大平賣:經典油畫、古董人偶、名貴傢俬……全都承載着她過往絢燦糜爛生活的某個回憶,每賣一件代表她靈魂某部份得到解脫。疏遠廿年的女兒被迫重返故居,望制止母親瘋狂行為;地氈一掀,蒙塵的恩怨情仇浮現眼前。貝托切妮(《樹欲靜而心不息》,2…
- Within the world of theatre the rehearsal room is a sacred space -- the private domain where boundaries are pushed, risks taken, mistakes made, vulnerabilities exposed and, at its very best, magic created. It's not a place into which the public is often, if ever, invited. Until now; In The Company of Actors features an…