- 20年前因一場陰錯陽差的搶劫而鋃鐺入獄,出獄後的強尼對外面的新事物感到非常不習慣,包括那多年未曾見上一面的兒子-璜。改頭換面的強尼只想安穩過完下半生,但命運總愛開玩笑,當他發現璜竟然以不法勾當謀生後,為了確保兒子的人生不走岔,強尼必須再拼上最後一回,險中求生存。
- [《Sugar Man 3》确定于11月29日首播]6日,据多家媒体报道,JTBC音乐秀《Sugar Man 3》将于韩国时间11月29日晚9时首播。该节目经历了第一季和第二季,足足召唤了124组回忆中的歌手,播放收视率最高达到6.3%,获得了大众的喜爱。第三季将与以往不同,播出时间改在韩国时间每周五晚9时,为了配合火热般的周五将带来升级版的趣味性节目。制作组表示…
- A Mocumentary on Gianna and her mother, Anna who can no longer live independently
- The Untold Story of The Tragedy In Cyprus Venus came to find the truth about her parents disappearance on her childhood home of Cyprus years ago. What begins as a personal journey starts a secret odyssey that will lead her closer and closer to unearthing Cyprus's tragic and hidden history. But in a land so deeply occup…
- The murder of a rich man leads a private detective to Guatemala, where a seductive femme fatale pulls him into a tangled web of intrigue surrounding the priceless Mayan jade quetzal