搜索 Arna

  • 喜剧片喜剧
  • 喜剧片剧情
    Elise, a very promising classical dancer, is injured during a performance at 26 years old. Although she's told she will no longer be able to dance, she will try to find a new direction in contemporary dance.
  • Le Soleil de Trop Près
    The film centres on thirty-something Basile who moves in with his little sister and closest confidant Sarah upon his discharge from hospital. Basile lives with a psychiatric disorder and does his best to re-establish a sense of normality in his work and love life. But how long can he maintain this fragile stability whe…
  • 海外剧剧情
    A solar storm hits the Earth, causing a widespread blackout. In this new reality, five stories unfold, focusing on characters who struggle to adapt to a world without electricity, telecommunications or means of transport, where they are forced to face up to their most primal needs, instincts and fears.
  • 电视剧冒险
  • 动漫冒险
  • 那一年,像投胎一樣
  • Incarnation
    Lou suffers from a birth defect which stops her from entering puberty, until she one day realises that she’s an artificial being. Caught between her parents and her friends, Lou desperately tries to become a "real girl ", but it’…
  • 剧情片剧情
  • 香港剧冒险
    少年云飞扬(徐少强饰)来历鲜为人知道,他虽与武当派掌门青松(张瑛饰)有一段不寻常的关系,但他在武当派却是地位卑微,其後获得一神秘黑衣人秘授武功。\r\n  青松与武林煞星独孤无敌(杨泽霖饰)三度较量,可惜俱败对方手下,使独孤无敌称霸武林。\r\n  武当山上接二连三发生离奇血案,皆涉及云飞扬,最後青松竟遭惨死,使他百感交集,遂…