- With problems on the home front, 15-year-old Murra is on the verge of lashing out. That is, until her policeman uncle thwarts her self-destructive behaviour with a lifeline: a “photo-safari for at-risk kids”. Murra isn’t entirely convinced, but she soon joins cantankerous Kylie, uptight Sean, happy-go-lucky Elvis, and …
- When an investigative journalist and his fiancée are brutally murdered and Slovakia’s police fail to question the prime suspect, protests for justice erupt and a leaked case file reveals corruption so rampant, democracy itself may not surv…
- 二十返回漂流,那些投票的球迷,抵达柬埔寨,南中国海的一个岛屿,有第二次机会为第三十一赛季开始获得最高1000000美元的奖金。http:\/\/www.liweimin.net\/aomeiju\/ingcunzhejianpuzhaizhidiercijihuidisanshiyiji\/
- 金牌警校原班人马金体又回到母校再度受训!原因为了州政府面对预算困扰,必须在州内之两所军校选择一间来"开刀"这一批已毕业的宝贝警员立即回母校来协助母校击败另一个军校来渡过难关!不料愈帮愈忙,错误百出,笑料无穷!好在上天不负好人心,金牌宝贝警员终于化险为夷,皆大欢喜!