- 在杳无人迹的包子山中,生活着一个无忧无虑、天真纯洁的男孩,名叫孙悟空。他自幼和爷爷孙悟饭相依为命,并习得一身武功。某天,他遭遇来自大城市的时尚女孩布玛。布玛正在四处寻找龙珠,传说将7颗龙珠凑齐后便可召唤出身龙,继而实现心中的愿望。在布玛的怂恿下,小悟空随其走出深山,一路上遭遇了乌龙、乐平、普尔、龟仙人等伙伴。与此同时,…
- As a young man in the late Sixties, Greg Davis served for three years in the U.S. Army in Vietnam. The area where he was stationed was one of many throughout the country sprayed by the military, as part of its counterinsurgency strategy, with millions of gallons of defoliants, including Agent Orange, which contains dio…