- On their way to adulthood, the three outsiders Mark, Memo and Becky come into contact with a fantastic world called the Black Tower. There, the Griffin, a world-devouring monster, has been mercilessly plundering and subjugating all living creatures for centuries. And the three friends, of all people, seem destined to e…
- An entomophobic filmmaker faces her fears through a series of epeditions and encounters with a Hungarian neurologist obsessed with beetles. Curious about what his passion for insects can teach her, director Mariana Castiñeiras perfectly pins the thrill of discovery. Why do desire and fear fade once conquered? How do co…
- 11岁的小男孩托比是一个狂热的小发明家。一天,他遇见了正在寻找父母的机器人罗比,原来罗比一家的飞船遭遇了事故,罗比不幸和家人失散了,于是托比决心施以援手,两人成为了好朋友。为了方便搜寻,他们发明了一个既能航行,又能浮在水上,还能在路上行驶的飞行器——奇幻冒险者。然而心怀不轨的约书亚连同他的伙计紧随其后,想利用罗比和奇幻冒…