- Jeff Cooper 过着美妙的生活, 并且还有一个美好的女朋友, 然后他随缘到了火星的一个刚刚成立的公司. 结果世间无常发生了, 他忽然被公司劝退了. 而且他还无法返回地球, 接下来的他是在火星上随遇而安呢 ? 还是如何如何呢? 不要忘记火星上还有各种危险的异形哦. 当然还有贪婪的大企业啊.
- 卢卡斯佛瑞斯非常关心地球环境,为了证实大气层中致命气体增加的理论,他自费购置微飞行器进入大气进行探测任务,任务却因微飞行器爆炸而宣告失败。然而卢卡斯却从相关资料中发现日冕物质喷射现象產生的物质,能量之高足以穿越臭氧层,导致大气中的甲烷燃烧,在数小时内便能耗尽地球上所有氧气,导致生物灭绝。他能否及时阻止这场浩劫?
- Peli and Nina are a couple from a traditional Roma community who were married by arrangement and are parents to a little girl. However, local custom posits that a marital union can only endure if the couple conceive a boy who can later inherit the family’s badge – the chalice (tahtai).
- Semret is an Eritrean single mom who works at a local Zurich hospital and wants to become a midwife. She does everything to ensure a better life for her teenage daughter Joe. When Joe starts pushing to find out more about her origins, Semret at first refuses to face her past. When she is wrongfully accused at the hospi…
- 迷人的杰克(约翰尼?戴普 饰)船长又回来了,这次,他遇到了更为强大的敌人——传说中的不死人大卫?琼斯(比尔?奈伊 饰),他驾驶着让人恐惧的“飞行荷兰人”号快船,在速度与装备上,没有任何船能够超越它。杰克船长欠下琼斯一个血债,他必须赶在最后时限到来之前,找到破解的方法,否则他会永远背负血债,并且在余生永远成为琼斯的奴隶。 当…