- Hello... is a tale about the events that happen one night at a call center. Told through the views of the protagonist, Shyam, it is a story of almost lost love, thwarted ambitions, absence of family affection, pressures of a patriarchal set up, and the work environment of a globalized office. Shyam is losing his girl f…
- 沙芭娜,一个因醉酒父亲殴打母亲而错手杀了父亲而后被关进少管所,而后出来后学习空手道的邻家女孩,一直关闭心扉.当她敞开心扉接受了一个一直追求她的男孩时,噩梦发生了,男孩被杀害了.为了替男孩报仇,她答应了自她错手杀了父亲后一直监视她的秘密特工组织的要求,加入秘密特工组织,那秘密特工组织就会帮她复仇.而终于,这个经过培训的邻家特工出外勤…