搜索 Aurélia

  • The Treaty of Lausanne was a peace treaty signed in Lausanne, Switzerland on 24 July 1923. It officially ended the state of war that had existed between Turkey and the Allied British Empire, French Republic, Kingdom of Italy, Empire of Japan, Kingdom of Greece, Kingdom of Romania, and Serb-Croat-Slovene State since the…
  • A doomed film, forbidden until 1984 by the censorship. When the police start finding the bodies of dead females - tortured and burnt - they realize there's an 'inquisition' cult involved leveling it's own perverse punishment against loose women; grim and rough sado fare from South AmericaLima, Peru, the police is inves…
  • 冬日將盡,村民滿心期待春光降臨。農夫辛勤播種,兩小無猜的愛苗悄悄滋長,流離的養蜂人歇下浪跡天涯的腳步,在此停泊。冬去,春卻未來,驅趕寒冬的營火無法點燃,不祥之兆在凝結的空氣中迴盪。母牛停止出乳、土壤不再萌芽、夏日飄雪、蜜蜂無蹤、地表枯如槁木,了無生機,愛情也日漸凋零。當四季消亡,僅存一片死寂,駭人的究竟是大自然奇詭的魔…
  • Part nightmare, part fantasy, Ivul tells the tale of Alex, who bizarrely moves out onto the roof of his house and refuses to come down after a false abuse accusation. From there, he watches the family he loves, but can't live with, as it destroys itself from the inside out.Written by Pusan International Film Festival
  • 这是一位年轻的反战激进分子的真实故事。他作为副导演,要拍摄一部关于意大利在伊拉克执行“和平使命”军事行动的电影。尽管带有成见,他还是从他遇到的人身上找到了人性的光辉和兄弟般的深情。但他还没来得及抽完一包烟,就被一次针对兵营的袭击裹挟……
  • The story of rebel gaucho Martin Fierro, his people, and their life in the Argentine Pampas. based on José Hernández's epic poem
  • 还看什么呀导演破产不见踪影啦。。
  • When Dr. Frankenstein is killed by a monster he created, his daughter and his lab assistant Marshall continue his experiments. The two fall in love and attempt to transplant Marshall's brain in to the muscular body of a retarded servant Stephen, in order to prolong the aging Marshall's life. Meanwhile, the first monste…