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  • 国产剧喜剧
    今年夏天举平台之力打造的S+级全新喜剧IP。周星驰将作为节目发起人,激励喜剧演员勇敢逐梦常驻嘉宾携手行业OG带队,推荐来自全国各地俱乐部的宝藏喜剧演员,演员们将在这个全新顶级单口喜剧竞演舞台上互相比拼,从喜剧小人物一路成长为喜剧之王! 幽默--爆梗频出,快乐拉满反卷--全新模式,热血团魂多元一-五湖四海俱乐部,各具特色新演员\r\…
  • 일렁일렁
    Two girls with the same name meet at a swimming pool and quickly become best friends. Yet, the fear of being alone again looms over them. As their dark emotions from this fear rise to the surface, the story takes a dramatic turn with a big splash in this thriller about teenage girls.
  • 恐怖片恐怖
    A group of teenagers inspired by a high school "Create Your Own Urban Legend" project quickly get out of hand in their desire for more "likes" and going viral with deadly consequences.
  • 警局刑事档案部的员工被绑架,当检察官与绑匪通电话谈判时,接电话的人确实拉斐尔,阿里斯特德也与她在一起,因此她们也被怀疑为绑匪的同谋。”阿斯特菲尔”cp真的参与了绑架案?这起绑架案牵出一件七年前的肇事逃逸案,这个两个案子之间有什么联系呢?@弯弯字幕组
  • 纪录片生活
    From the harsh, nomadic life on the tundra to an uncertain future with five children. Four years in the life of a strong and charismatic woman.Life is raw and harsh out in the Arctic tundra, where young Ivanna lives a nomadic life with her five children. A tough and charismatic woman who is put to the test when she has…
  • 旧欧洲的土地上发生了一场血腥的战争。1992年春,塞特尼奇人入侵波斯尼亚村庄和小城镇,宣布被占领并开始了一个新时代。在这一可怕的场景中,尼雷特瓦兄弟的不幸诞生了。尼雷特瓦兄弟受到一位儿时邻居朋友的迫害,这位朋友后来成为著名的CKP(Cetnici Koljacki Pokret:种族酷刑运动)的指挥官。受一个真实故事的启发,这部电影发展成一种令人不安…
  • 这是一部探讨感情和物质在婚姻中的比重的爱情喜剧。单身母亲Iris Carsen多年来一直盼望自己的女儿能够在婚姻中找到一位“理想伴侣”,Iris称之为“适合结婚的材料”。其实所谓“理想”或者“适合”,在Iris的观念中完全等同于“富有”。然而情况突然发生了变化,Iris突然发现自己爱上了一个男人,而对方可绝不算“理想”。。
  • When the hurricane shuts down the ferry, a film team gets stuck in an isolated island hospital, known for a silent psychological war between the inmates and the staff.