搜索 Azadi

  • 闺蜜艾娃(多米尼卡·克鲁兹尼亚克)和玛雅(玛雅·荷史)认为她们在每日乏味工作、苦恼的孩子和讨厌的男人中举步难行。于是决定忘掉这一切,去一家高级休闲会所来点个人休闲时光。在那里,她们遇见了以为美丽的按摩师克内利亚(马格达内拉·布克匝斯卡), 而这正是她们开始抽大麻,踏上疯狂冒险之路的前奏。与此同时, 她们发现了一个真相: 那些男人…
  • 剧情片剧情
    德黑蘭爆發疫症,倖存者不離開就要被隔離,接受官方全天候監控。努力做好 自己的詩人,身罹毒癮,憂柴憂米,還要面對叨嘮的老母、遠在美國搞移民的 妻子和莫名奇妙的女兒,只能與好友們打嘴砲過日辰,同步排遣陷入不倫戀的 徬徨與迷惘。說是發生在未來的寓言,在世紀疫症持續肆虐的當下,顯得十二 分應景,二十倍真實。環境災難快降臨,離留抉擇…
  • A group of youngsters are going to a villa in north of Tehran. But there their troubles little by little begin to appear.
  • A number of inmates from a reformatory school are scheduled for release. As a condition for their discharge, it is specified that the younger boys should live either with their families or in government supervision centers. On the appointed date, however, Mohsen Ghaderi's parents do not show up to take their son. Anoth…
  • Mr. Khavari, a calligraphy teacher who is the tenant of an aristocratic family has fallen in love with their daughter. But the hand of fate is working against his heartfelt sentiments. Every time he find a chance to ask for the girl's hand, a rival crops up that marries the girl and make him a loser. But Khavari proves…
  • A documentary on last days of Shah's regime, the event ensued after the arson of cinema Rex in Abadan, which lead to final victory of 1979 revolution.
  • The story of life of a woman Mehri who unintentionally enters into an unknown problem and is searching for a solution for that.
  • 讲述公元7世纪,穆罕默德幼年时期的经历。
  • 在伊朗一个鲜为人知的偏远岛屿上,生活很艰辛。渔民父亲走失多日的少年博尔汉想买辆自行车给国外游客提供服务,获取收入缓解家庭困难。不料这辆自行车给他所带来的不仅有收获的欢笑,更有艰辛的眼泪和成长的感悟;就这样,全家人从往日的阴霾中走了出来,因为他们有自家窗外的远洋。
  • 赎金危机