- 这是阿巴多在97年在意大利费拉拉公众剧院Teatro Comunale di Ferrara以半舞台化(semi stage)作的《唐乔万尼》演出。乐队居于舞台中心下陷区,舞台位于乐队四周,演员时常在乐队中穿行,和指挥有互动表演。此类“半舞台化”的尝试,加德纳另有一个出色的《魔笛》录像版本(阿姆斯特丹节日音乐厅www.douban.com/subject/181…
- ...This mythical tale of a young queen, Alphise, determined to abdicate rather than contemplate an enforced marriage to a descendant of Boreas, is nothing less than highly-charged. Director Robert Carsen and his creative team flood the stage with summer blossoms, drifts of autumn leaves, winter snows and thunderous spr…