- 2006年圣母峰登山季是有史以来丧生人数最多,争议也最大的一季。Discovery 频道在当地使用先进摄影技术,全程记录由一名经验丰富的领队所组织带领的远征队行程。圣母峰:攀越极限 梦上山巅圣母峰远征队员是来自各行各业、梦想登上第一高峰的登山客。由于人体必须逐步适应增加的海拔,光是展开这趟远征就是一项大工程。要花一整个月适应环境。这…
- I didn't expect anything as I never read the book of Calaferte, nor I've seen any movie done by the same director. I even didn't know any actor except (surprise) the singer and former model Amina. I must say too that I am not against boring movies, I love Pasolini, Tarkovski or Kubrick, because their boring movies give…
- Hedda (Lydia Lunch) and Neal (Don Bajema) have secluded themselves in a faded plantation house on the outskirts of the city hoping the idyllic hideaway would reinvigorate their strained relationship. But the sprawling house itself seems to be a jealous keeper whose haunted past manifests new threats when Jackson (Henry…