- The Beecroft family are ready to spend all of Chief Daddy's inheritance, but not if the CEO of his company has anything to do with it.
- 韩志勋(李瑞镇 饰)是食品公司会长的小儿子,他为人冷漠而又自私,信奉金钱至上的人生信条,眼中只有利益,没有人情。韩志勋痛恨处处都胜过自己的哥哥,更厌恶赋予自己“私生子”身份的母亲,他想尽了一切方法,不择手段,只为了击垮哥哥,获得继承父亲公司的权利。\r\n 姜慧秀(金宥真 饰)和女儿过着相依为命的生活,虽然日子清苦,但母女…
- Colonel Branson , head of a secret and covert division of the NSA, keeps the Shadow Wolves operating albeit now independent and rogue. His anger after his daughter was killed in Afghanistan training civilians drives him to defend "his" America and her borders by all means legal or otherwise. When ISIS terrori…