搜索 Bakr

  • 剧情片剧情
  • A 15-year-old girl in a black gang in Brussels must choose between loyalty and love when she falls for a Moroccan boy from a rival gang. The city of Brussels, plagued by high rates of youth unemployment, is home to nearly forty street gangs, and the number of young people drawn into the city's gang culture increases ea…
  • 在巴勒斯坦唯一存留的动物园里, Yacine 是一个素食主义者。他10岁大的儿子Ziad 和动物园里的两只长颈鹿有着深厚的感情。一天晚上,一场空袭之后,公长颈鹿死了。母长颈鹿不能独自活下去。Yacine 必须为这只长颈鹿找到一个新伴侣,但是唯一能帮他的动物园在特拉维拉。(译言网)
  • Self Made tells the story of two women – one Israeli, the other Palestinian- who are trapped within their respective worlds. After a mix-up at a checkpoint, they find themselves living the life of the other.
  • 鹰
    超凡脱俗的侦探Hallgrim Hallgrimsson组建了一支特别执法部队,打击跨境犯罪和恐怖主义。Hallgrim因其准确无误的直觉而被昵称为“鹰”,他散发出能力和自信;但在动态的外表背后是一个折磨人的个性。
  • 《迷失杀手》是一部2000年的德国剧情片,由Dito Tsintsadze执导。在2000年的戛纳电影节上,它在联合国某些方面进行了放映。在第十届Cottbus电影节上,这部电影获得了最高奖,在2000年的塞萨洛尼基国际电影节上,米塞尔·马蒂塞维奇获得了最佳男主角奖。
  • 《时光依旧》跨越了从1948年到现在60多年的时间,通过一个人的遭遇审视了发生在以色列的巨变。《时光依旧》是一个半自传性的电影,记录了一个家庭生活中四个标志性的片段。这部电影以我父亲的私人记事本为素材,从1948年他作为一名抵抗战士开始讲述,同时参杂了我母亲写给她流亡海外的亲人的家书和我关于父母亲的私人回忆。电影描绘了这些巴勒斯…
  • 剧情片剧情
    入围2021卡罗维发利电影节西方之东单元。Five childhood friends from a small Montenegrin town have gradually moved away to different corners of the former Yugoslavia, yet they remain in contact, aware that their long-time friendship continues to play …
  • 12岁的Binti和爸爸Jovial以非法移民的身分住在比利时。活泼乐观的她渴望过上正常生活,并梦想成为知名网红部落客!一次的警察突袭逃亡,让Binti遇见了也想拍片的Elias与他的单身妈妈Christine。当两人的父母见面后,Binti灵光一闪,她想到了可以留在比利时的完美计画!
  • Come le lumache
    Simone is a young boy who likes to hike among the bushes of the Trieste Karst, in his magical childhood world where he hides to feel free. He is a “ghost” to his peers who know him only for what they see: someone different, labelled by sim…