搜索 Balmes

  • This is the story of Paco, a 40-year-old, confirmed bachelor who, in the prime of his life, realizes a childhood dream: to work at home in his pajamas. Just when he's reached the zenith of personal happiness, however, into his life walks Jilguero (the name means "Birdie" in Spanish), a girl he falls in love w…
  • After decades of fascist rule in Chile, Patricio Guzman returns to his country to screen his documentary, Battle of Chile, which until the time of the filming was banned by authorities. His audience, a new generation of Chileans who remember little of the revolution and ensuing coup reflect on their experience of watch…
  • 本片记录了4个国家4名婴儿从出生到一岁多学会走路之间的成长过程。这四名婴儿分别是非洲纳米比亚奥普沃的厐倪骄(Ponijao)、日本东京的玛丽(Mari)、蒙古巴彦钱德曼的贝雅(Bayar),和美国旧金山的海蒂(Hattie)。影片采取了纯观察的记录方式,完全没有字幕或解说,刻画了非洲部落中的厐倪骄与蒙古包中贝雅的相对原始、亲近大自然的成长环境…