- 安妮•莱柏维兹,1949年出生于美国康涅狄格州。这个一身朴素的长发女子却是群星闪耀的名人圈里最为璀璨的一颗明珠。她先后供职《时尚》、《滚石》和《名利场》等杂志,曾与约翰•列侬、大野洋子、滚石乐队、黛咪•摩尔、乔治•克鲁尼、朱丽娅•罗伯茨、克莉斯汀•邓丝特等名人有过近距离接触。她的作品带有浓厚的个人印记,既承载了历史,又引起…
- Film that revolves around the theme of love, but this time under the premise of a boy who tries to forget a girl, a story far more difficult to bear, especially when the girl you just separated from comes back again in each of the memories of your past and you feel that “all the love songs talk about me”