- 登上发现号后,Ensign Tilly(玛丽·怀斯曼 饰)遇上一名意料外的访客并被寻求协助,不过这对组合意外地有着不少共同点。Craft(阿尔迪斯·霍吉 饰)在一间不熟悉的病房醒来后,他发现自己是艘废弃船中的唯一人类,而唯一陪伴着他的是船上的A.I.电脑界面。作为第一名加盟星际舰队的Kelpien人Saru(道格·琼斯 饰),他过去与父亲及妹妹在母星过…
- 格鲁吉亚库塔伊西一所学校门口的偶遇。Lisa和Giorgi撞到了一起,一本书掉在了地上。他们显然晕头转向,甚至没有告诉对方自己的名字,就安排了一次约会。这是一见钟情,就像被施了魔法一样,一切都开始变得生动起来:监控摄像头变成了邪恶的眼睛,排水管变成了神谕,他们闭上眼睛,然后-叮!这对恋人被诅咒了,注定第二天醒来后面目全非。但是,…
- Dentist Petar and his wife Marija are struggling to maintain the cohesion of their community on the outskirts of their nation’s capital, which has been disrupted by the construction of a council building. A year and a half after a devastat…
- Semret is an Eritrean single mom who works at a local Zurich hospital and wants to become a midwife. She does everything to ensure a better life for her teenage daughter Joe. When Joe starts pushing to find out more about her origins, Semret at first refuses to face her past. When she is wrongfully accused at the hospi…