搜索 Bardi

  • 剧情片剧情
    The story of Green Bay Packers coach Vince Lombardi and how he lead his team to victory during the 1967 National Football League Championships. based partly on the memoir "Instant Replay" by team member Jerry Kramer and Dick Schaap.
  • 那是一卷平凡无奇的钢丝,借助一股神奇的力量,他变化成一个男人的形象。男人赶走了搅扰他的蚊子,随后拿过造物主的接力棒,用剩下的钢丝变成了花草树木。此时他的世界焕发出别样的生机,男人浇水施肥,收获果实,随后准备搭建自己的房屋。只不过满足之余,烦恼的情况也多了起来,野猪毁坏了天地,男人必须抽出精力搭建篱笆。孩子们的捣乱又让他…
  • The Peruvian anti-terrorist army takes control of a far away and unknown small village isolated in the Andes by the terrorist militia "Sendero Luminoso" (Shining Path), during the dirty war in Peru at 80's decade.
  • 利马的一所军事学院,绰号“美洲豹”、“大棒”和“毒蛇”的三个初级班成员经常嘲讽欺辱班上的其他同学,胆小的“奴隶”也是他们强行拉入的“盟友”。为了在一次考试中过关,“美洲豹”等人偷取了考卷,不料却被为人严厉的教官康保亚中尉察觉,“奴隶”在他的追问下说出了实情。“美洲豹”对这种“背叛”不能容忍,他发誓要使“奴隶”受到惩罚。…
  • История о трагедии новатора — вождя, пророка, о последствиях прихода в мир новых идей, о том, как искажаются последователями поиски вечных истин. На протяжении всего мультфил…
  • Not as good as I expected"E Se Domani" (which is a line of famous Italian song) is vaguely based on the true story of Mimì Rendano (Luca Bizzarri) who, after having held hostages in a bank, planned to throw the money he stole ove…
  • Maxim, now a Marxist agitator going by the name of Fyodor, organizes strikes against the production of military equipment, culminating in open revolt against the Czarist forces.