搜索 Bari

  • 为了找回关于妈妈的回忆,8岁的小女孩塔尔西拉独自踏上了旅程。她必须找到失窃的纪念物以及妈妈曾经存放在记忆箱里的特殊物件——它们被来自异世界的一条毛毛虫带走了。前往异世界的旅途惊险又刺激,塔尔西拉需要战胜内心的恐惧,应对一个又一个敌人,但她也因此结识了许多朋友。在他们的帮助下,妈妈留下的纪念物终于失而复得,而塔尔西拉也恢…
  • Different students from a high school cleaners group each deal with different pressures of being clean and pure while also discovering that the world is dirty and superficial to begin with.
  • 动作片剧情
    Directed by: Saro Varjabedian\r\n  Synopsis: Jimmy Baz, a down-and-out private-eye is reluctantly hired by the parents of a missing college aged boy to find their son. As Jimmy searches for the missing boy he stumbles upon a series of murd…
  • 大马士革,2011年3月。革命已进入到白热化阶段。Nahla是一位25岁的年轻女性,她既渴望找到真正的自由,又希望能与移居美国的叙利亚人Samir结婚,以通过这种方式离开自己所在的国家。但Samir却更喜欢她个性乖巧的妹妹Myriam。Nahla与她的新邻居Jiji女士走得越来越近,后者刚刚搬到这栋楼里,并在这里开了一家妓院。
  • 一台車可以代表一個時代的革新嗎?如果我們談論的是F1跟法拉利312B,那答案就是肯定的。
  • 剧情片生活
    【资讯】导演金鎮雅将执导由Insook Chappell编剧,英国电影协会给予开发支持的韩英合拍电影《巴里公主》。  电影《巴里公主》改编自黃晳暎作家的韩国小说《巴里公主》,小说以朝鲜族巫俗神话故事为基础,讲述脱北少女巴里跨越东亚和大洋进入西欧伦敦的故事,展现了韩半岛和全世界面对绝望、暴力、战争和恐怖袭击的样子。电影主要讲述巴里在伦…
  • 自然百科
    «Bestiaries, Herbaria, Lapidaries» is an ‘encyclopaedic’ documentary, whose non-human protagonists tell about us humans. The film is divided into three volumes of about 40 minutes, each dealing with a single subject: animals, plants, ston…
  • 动漫冒险
  • 剧情片
    Lesbians didn't always get to see themselves on screen. But between Stonewall, the feminist movement, and the experimental cinema of the 1970s, they built visibility, and transformed the social imagination about queerness. Filmmakers Barbara Hammer, Su Friedrich, Rose Troche, Cheryl Dunye, Yoruba Richen, Desiree Akhava…