搜索 Barque

  • 雲之守護
  • The Carnival in Rio has catapulted Brazilian samba to prominence around the world as the ultimate mix of exuberance, sensuality and tradition. 'The Spirit of Samba' shows how much Brazilian music has profoundly influenced all kinds of musicians around the world, especially jazz artists. Along with the samba and bossa n…
  • 两个童年时期的孤儿有着彼此相互忠实无疑的友谊,相互扶持长大,感情比亲姐妹还要好。从小他们就靠偷一些东西拿去卖了当做两人的生活费用,一次在偷一辆汽车的时候被警察发现,其中一个还杀了人,很快的14年过去了,幸好当年有一位好心的牧师救了他们俩,为了报答牧师的恩情,两姐妹答应帮他做杀人天使。当两姐妹存够了钱,想过平静的生活时,可…
  • Apocalypse, Les Débarquements Season 1
    June 6th, 1944. A titanic fleet take on the beaches of Normandy. Their goal: liberating Europe from Hitler's yoke. Thanks to the lessons learned from the Dieppe raid of August 42, and supported by the Provence landing of August 44, the mission is a spectacular success: the Second World War Allies succeeded in moving be…