- Maria Meira, (Buenos Aires, 1976) screenwriter and director. She graduates from the University of Buenos Aires with a degree in "Image and Sound Design." She holds also a degree in Directing from the E.N.E.R.C. (Escuela Nacional de Experimentación y Realización Cinematográfica).She directs three fiction short…
- 某日,一块神奇的结晶体现身地球,被科学家宇宙翔拾得。与此同时,露娜和亚特密斯大吵了一架之后离家出走,却因病体力不支昏倒在了路上,宇宙翔将虚弱的露娜带回了家,精心照料,露娜渐渐恢复了活力。让大家没有想到的是,那块神秘结晶体的本尊,竟然是想要侵略地球的月亮雪公主,现出真身之后,月亮雪公主即刻召集了爪牙,展开了破坏行动。为了…
- The Ceddo try to preserve their traditional African culture against the onslaught of Islam, Christianity, and the slave trade. When King Demba War sides with the Muslims, the Ceddo kidnap his daughter, Princess Dior Yacine, to protest their forcible conversion to Islam. After trying to rescue the princess, various heir…
- 2005年1月,导演琳恩·露森远赴雪梨歌剧院为一场名为“Came So Far For Beauty”演唱会进行拍摄,为了向李欧纳致敬,Nick Cave及多位知名艺人共同参与了这场盛大的表演,并由知名音乐制作人Hal Willner担任总监。本片可说是首次对李欧纳这位音乐界的巨擘进行零距离接触、最赤裸的深入访谈,从李欧纳的诗作、小说等作品,甚至他的绘画创作及相片…