搜索 Baum

  • ILLUSION is a film about people, their wishes, fears, hopes and longings. A glance behind the facade of daily routine. A visually stunning cycle between reality and illusion, a carousel of emotions with thrilling twists. Eight people that cannot be more different meet in a BAR. For one night they escape their everyday …
  • 战争片剧情
    紫薇(钟嘉欣 饰)是天庭的百花仙子,某日,她偷偷降临凡间,遇见了名为丁辰(梁荣忠 饰)的男子。不谙世事的紫薇很快就坠入了情网无法自拔,这可急坏了百花宫宫主鲁花(薛家燕 饰),她深知神仙和凡人之间的恋情不可能善终,于是想要从中作梗,却在误打误撞之下促成了紫薇和丁辰之间的婚事。\r\n  郑守业(陈山聪 饰)是玩世不恭的富家子弟,…
  • 时尚女设计师莫名的成为杀人嫌疑犯。就在警长洛朗斯展开调查之时,开始出现接连死亡事件,而这些人竟然都与这个设计师所在时尚工作室有关……
  • 纪录片
    本片是迈可与安迪这两个以政治与全球化议题为主要诉求的行动艺术家自导自演的纪录片。他们两个自称“没问题侠客”Yes Men,自1999年起,不断地在狭小的车库里,策划了一件又一件令人莞尔的夸张伪装行动,以冒充政府官员或大企业发言人的方式,用假网页做工具,透过大众媒介来表达政治诉求,布希政府当然是经常的受害者。强调自由放任资本主义的…
  • 电影改编自真人真事,Hans Jürgen Massaquoi 的童年在汉堡的亲身经历。Hans Jürgen(母亲,德国人、父亲,黑人)幼年、少年在第三帝国时期长大,当时纳粹对犹太人实行了种族灭绝,作为黑人的他也受到了种种歧视、限制。
  • In the present film, Helmut Berger again plays Ludwig. In the story, Ludwig has travelled from Munich to Switzerland with a handsome actor (Max Tidof) who is part of his personal entourage, in order to hear him recite Schiller's "William Tell" in an appropriate setting. Unfortunately, the recitation is a disa…
  • 塔伏乌什·孔维茨基的编剧,最近想找来他的全套电影作品包括编剧和导演的看看。
  • ‘Treasures from the Wreck of the Unbelievable’ charts the story behind Damien Hirst’s most ambitious project to date. Almost ten years in the making, the eponymous exhibition was displayed across the Punta della Dogana and Palazzo Grassi …