搜索 Baz

  • 入围第71届柏林电影节全景单元。A group of friends pool their money to pay for their first sex. Their journey to see a sex worker is accompanied by boastful teenage conversations, but also sensitive inner monologues. A painful collision between poet…
  • 剧情片生活
    托尼娅(克里斯提娜·杨达 Krystyna Janda 饰)觉得,再也没有什么事情能比丈夫康斯坦丁(奥尔基尔德·鲁卡斯瑟维克茨 Olgierd Lukaszewicz 饰)的四处沾花惹草更糟糕的了,但很快托尼娅便明白,事实并不是如此。原来,在一次买醉消愁时,托尼娅酩酊大醉,醒来后的她发现自己被关进了监狱,而当局囚禁她的罪名不是别的,竟然是叛国。托尼娅始终…
  • 戴娃道爾吉蘇倫母親早逝,父親很快再婚,但小戴娃無法接受繼母,於是搬去與阿姨家住,她意外接觸柔道就愛上這項競賽,並決定以柔道為職志。後來,她的父親帶著家人搬家同住,努力賺錢為戴娃籌比賽費用,甚至為了送女兒到法國巴黎參加青少年柔道比賽而負債累累。儘管比賽有贏有輸,也讓她的身體和精神都達到超乎同齡的壓力,但當她想著在外地比賽…
  • A former marine suffering from severe PTSD prepares his family for war as the deadline for an alien invasion approaches.
  • An attack of a yihadist nature in the Old Town of Bilbao ends up with the lives of seven people and leaves malwounds to more than one thirteenth, many of them gravity. Victims and executioners will be equal parts of the protagonists of a plot in a personal key. narrated by thriller, history treats how these characters …
  • 恐怖片生活
    青春正年少的都市少年萨迪(Junio Valverde 饰)不幸罹患干皮症,他无法经受太阳长时间照射,否则病情将逐渐恶化,并最终引发癌症等绝症。为了缓解儿子的病情,单身母亲茱莉娅(Mar Sodupe 饰)决定与萨迪一同搬到阳光稀少的山村生活。然而萨迪的生活并未好转,才到这里不久,两个与之有关的人便离奇死亡,其状可怖,他也被村中的人看作魔鬼。在…
  • A man and a woman are have a car accident in the north of Iran. They go into a coma but their spouses m.77mi.cc don't know anything about why these two were together and what they were doing in the north.
  • 这部电影是基于真实的事件改变,关于严重的暴行的连环杀手的俄罗斯食人魔,亚历山大,被称为“西伯利亚开膛手”…