- 一个普通的森林夜晚,对小熊大、小熊二宠爱有加的熊妈妈,在一场大火后离开了他们,两熊伤心不已……转眼多年过去,光头强带熊大熊二前往振兴岛参观机器人研究所,却意外得到了熊妈妈的线索,为此熊大、熊二一路探寻……熊妈当年为何不告而别?两熊最终是否能找到妈妈?迷雾重重的背后还有怎样的故事?一切谜团等待揭晓。
- Gideon与小女孩Almerina行走江湖靠说戏为生,某日,两人在一个山洞过夜等待天亮继续行路。半夜遇到一只老熊,两人大惊,开始为熊说戏企图逃过一劫。故事的主角是生活在山里的熊国王Leander和儿子Tony,某天Leander带着Tony来到河里练习捕鱼,谁知Tony不幸被一张大网抓走,Leander遍寻不着Tony,从此郁郁寡欢,不理朝政,直到有天,他的大臣们警…
- Following Coca-Cola's hugely successful 'Polar Bowl' campaign in 2012, Animal Logic was approached by Scott Free and CAA Marketing to animate a 6-minute short to headline Coca-Cola's 2013 global campaign. Directed by John Stevenson (of Kung Fu Panda fame) and co-directed by Animal Logic's David Scott, the subtly brande…
- The enchanting story of Apak Taqtu, a young Inuit boy who makes his first trips out on the Arctic sea-ice with his father. He learns the skills essential to survival in this hostile wilderness - building igloos, travelling by dog sled, hunting seals and narwhals, and avoiding the unwelcome attention of polar bears. A s…
- 爱心熊系列动画片自从问世以来,一直是全世界最受欢迎的卡通之一,忠诚熊和高贵马这一对长相可爱,心地善良的搞笑活宝,已经让人津津乐道。作品在国际各大颁奖典礼上获得无数奖项,上世纪90年代来到中国后更是得到从6岁到60岁的人们的狂热喜爱。影片弥漫着温馨的气息,在生动有趣的故事中蕴含深刻的意义。Spring has sprung in Care-…